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All the best offers from for February 2025 - Read info

  • 15%OFF
    Get extra 15% off at Amazon White Friday Sale with your ENBD card!
    Get code & visit site

    Minimum spend:AED 100

    Expired: 29/11/2021

    Conditions:Get extra 15% off at Amazon White Friday Sale with your ENBD card!
    Discount capped at AED75
Amazon is a US-based internet retailer and the largest of its kind in the world. Beginning as an online bookstore, the company has hugely diversified since its beginnings and now provides a whole range of items and services from clothings and electronics to Amazon Prime and Amazon Video. There are tons of great deals at Amazon, all in one place here at DealzME.

Amazon Shipping Methods

If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, you are able to pay a higher delivery tariff if you’re in need of a quicker than standard delivery. One-Day Delivery and Express Delivery are both options you can look at to get your item faster. Prime members automatically receive a variety of delivery incentives such as free one-day delivery. Standard delivery usually takes between 2 and 5 days, so long as the product is in stock at the time you order it.

  • Free Delivery

Takes 3-5 business days, minimum spends apply depending on the products you are buying.

  • One-Day Delivery

Charges without Prime membership is usually £4.99, prices may vary depending on the products you order and if you’re a Prime member.

  • Express Delivery

Arrives at 13:00 the next day, £6.49 for Non-Prime members, £4.49 for Prime Members.

  • Same-Day Evening Delivery

£5.99 per delivery for Non-Prime members, no extra cost for Prime members.